For the loadshedding app we had a short turn around time and little budget to work with. I started with the UI which is based on Google's material design language to expedite the design process. I focused on making the UI friendly and calming to counter the angst involved with loadshedding (loadshedding is the process of scheduled power cuts to reduce the load on the power grid). The development of the greater "CI" happened after the UI was finished and I used elements, such as the fonts and colours, to inform the design process. The logo we settled on uses the same Gotham rounded used in the app with half being filled and the other half stroked to represent the different power states. The negative space in the counter of the "O" is used to create a plug that also doubles as a smiley face to once again make the app as disarming and friendly as possible. The UI has gone through some iterations since this post.